stories-matter My technical writing story: I love writing

My interests in communication, language, and culture are a perfect fit in technical communication.

My journey to technical communication was serendipitous, a perfect blend of chance and fate. It began with a series of poor grades. I knew I was a scientist but I just couldn’t keep up with my peers in the chemistry major. My college had a digital tool students could use to find a new major and I plugged away, just to see options to earn a degree. I uploaded my transcript to the tool and (click!) I could graduate in five semesters with a journalism degree. Or (click!) I could graduate in four semesters with an anthropology degree.

It was then my solution became clear and I discovered I could graduate in two semesters with a Scientific and Technical Communication Bachelor of Science. All the classes I had already taken were required courses for this major.

I read about the long-standing profession of technical communication and the important value it offers both the science and technology disciplines. I scrolled to see that my science courses qualified me for the health science sub-plan. Not only did Technical Writing solve my academic crisis, it was a moment of validation. My interests in communication, language, and culture were front and center of this program.

Watching my Technical Writing path unfold was the best experience in my academic life. I saw my past, present and future in the lessons and practices. My disability didn’t hinder my learning and I was constantly impressed with the vast and intriguing subject matter. I was made for this. The Department of Writing was my home before I knew about the program. The cozy reading space was the perfect landing for a wary student-commuter and the downstairs eating facility filled me like a warm hug from my grandmother.

In the bewilderment of graduation (why didn’t anyone tell me about the costumes?) our program director handed me my diploma. Time stood still in that moment and I reached out in disbelief. I couldn’t believe the day had come. All the years of feeling lost, all the mismatched opportunities, all of the people who didn’t understand the knowledge that interested me. That was all behind me and I was a technical communicator now. I pulled my diploma close, gave my advisor one last hug, and went on my way.

We want to share your story about how you got started on your technical communication journey. Do you have a story to share? Write with us!