party Gift idea roundup

What are your recommendations for this year's holiday season? Share your ideas and we'll include them in an upcoming community roundup.

We're planning another "roundup" article for Technically We Write. As a reminder, "roundup" articles are where we ask a question of our community, and share everyone's answers in an article.

This roundup is about holiday gift ideas. What recommendations do you have for great gifts for writers?

Your gift ideas can span the range of "technical communication." Can you recommend a favorite laptop that's great for writing? Or a tablet or other digital notebook that you use for reviewing text? Or a favorite keyboard or mouse that you like to use?

There are always new books coming out. Do you have a great book about tech writing to recommend? (We may also add a few books that we've covered in recent interviews with authors on the site.)

You can also share anything that's about "writing." For example, many folks have a favorite pen they swear by - what's your favorite pen? Or do you have a favorite notebook or notepad you like to use?

Did we miss something? If you have something else to recommend, send it! If it's generally about "writing" or "technical communication," we'll consider it for the roundup.