Share the knowledge
Technically We Write is an open community for anyone who wants to share what they know.
We celebrate all kinds of technical and professional writing at Technically We Write. Our topics of interest are pretty wide-ranging - more than just “writing,” we also share articles about writing tools and technologies, editing, usability, web SEO, … and anything else you can categorize as “technical communication.” We also have a diverse community of folks who have shared their tips and best practices in technical and professional writing. And we want to invite you to write with us.
You can write about anything that’s generally about “technical communication.” Here are a few ways you can write your first article:
Share a cool tip or trick you’ve learned. Everyone wants to be more efficient in how they write, and there are many shortcuts and tips to make our work easier. You can write an article about that “one cool trick” to use your favorite writing tool more effectively. For example, did you set up custom keyboard shortcuts in LibreOffice? Or do you have a favorite theme you’ve configured for Oxygen? Have you discovered a new way to apply styles to a document? Write about a cool tip or trick you’ve learned about writing.
Show how to do an everyday task. You probably have a favorite application for your work. What’s one thing you do every day or every week that makes your work easier or better? Share a common task that you do all the time. What’s easy for you might be new to someone else. Your topic doesn’t need to be particularly novel or groundbreaking; your article about an everyday task could help someone else learn how to do it for the first time.
Tell us why you love writing. Many of us got into technical or professional writing not just for the job, but because we honestly love writing. Share your personal journey into your writing career. Why did you get into technical writing? What do you love most about what you do? Everyone has a unique story to tell, and these can be very inspirational to students and others who are new to the ever expanding field of technical and professional writing.
Start with something simple. Articles on Technically We Write don’t have to be “deep dives” into how to do this or that in a particular application, or how to leverage a new writing technology, or best practices about writing. Some of our most popular articles on the website are “everyday” topics, like “my favorite fonts for writing documents” or “I love this keyboard for writing.” These are small topics, but can have a big impact. Don’t overthink your article because it seems “too simple” - there’s an audience out there that wants to hear from you.