birthday Celebrating our first year at Technically We Write

We started Technically We Write in May 2023 to celebrate technical and professional writing.

A year ago, we started a new online community. Technically We Write is an open community for anyone who is interested in technical or professional writing. And that means the community is open to everyone! We encourage everyone to share their story with us.

We welcome everyone to share an article with us at Technically We Write. At Technically We Write, we believe that everyone does technical and professional writing, it’s not just people with a “technical writer” role. Your article can be about anything related to technical communication, such as tools, tips, how you got started, what you’ve learned, or other topics in technical communication. Contact our editors to share your article idea.

A great first year

We started publishing Technically We Write in May 2023. To firmly establish the website, we initially published five times each week: Monday through Friday. But this is a lot of work for a community website (we don’t have a paid editor staff) so in January 2024, we changed to a more manageable schedule of three times per week: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Over the last year, we published 270 articles and “how-to” guides from 26 different author about about writing tools and technologies, including word processors like Word and LibreOffice, web technologies such as HTML and CSS, XML authoring including Docbook and DITA, editors, tools, best practices, tips, stories, interviews. The list of topics is pretty open, as is our submission process. We have very little “gatekeeping” at Technically We Write; we aim to publish all kinds of articles about technical and professional writing. We try to keep a light touch on editing, to let your voice shine though. Let us know if you would like us to provide a deeper edit for your submission (for example, if English isn’t your first language).

Looking ahead with our community

We celebrate everyone who has shared an article with us, and we like to find ways to recognize our community. Authors always retain copyright for what they share on the website, and we aim to publish everything under a Creative Commons Attrbution license. And this Fall, we plan to release several free ebooks about technical and professional writing topics, collected from the top articles that we’ve published. If you would like to be considered for one of the ebooks, share an article with us!